Category Archives: lukis / paint

Draw Holiday

Yesterday was a national holiday. A Hindu’s sacred day called Nyepi, it simply means to get quiet. In Bali, where most of the locals are Hindu’s, everyone are not allowed to go outside let alone make noise or hang around the beach. Even the airport is closed. Of of my friend, a true Balinese, says that if we go outside in Nyepi, we will be caught by a religious police called Pecalang and severely punished.

I don’t really have plans to spend that particular one day holiday, so I try to draw something based on Derek Lea book on using Photoshop to make ilustration. I’ve managed to fisnishes up two drawing, both of them are having retro kind of old look. These looks are achieved using technique called halftone. It employs dot or line pattern to managed the strengh of particular colors applied to the picture. Usually these lines are not perfectly aligned to the real sketch. For some people it’s ugly, but for others, that’s the beauty of halftoning.

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Alien Faces

Drawing once again. I’ve been working on this drawing for almost a week. It’s a busy week, because of lectures, multi location workplace and also in Ramadan month, I don’t have much free time at night because of the tarawih prays and I can’t stay late because I need to wake up early in the morning for my sahur meal. But today is saturday, and I have all afternoon to finish this up.


I hope you like it. (^__^)
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Father and Son

Beberapa hari yang lalu nemu buku bagus yang punya judul Creative Photoshop CS4 Digital Illustration and Art Technique yang ditulis oleh Derek Lea. Buku ini seratus persen tentang how-to menggunakan Photosop untuk melukis. Yep, melukis — bukan photo editing.

Setelah dibaca-baca beberapa halaman depan yang ternyata baru acknowledgement, teknik-teknik yang dipakai tampak tidak terlalu rumit. Hanya saja diperlukan sifat super sabar, telaten, gemi nastiti ngati-ati untuk melukisnya agar lukisan tetap tampak natural dan menarik.

Setelah netto hampir 4 jam, mencorat-coret mewarnai, akhirnya muncullah gambar ini,


Sebenarnya masih belum puas dengan hasil akhir ini, tapi apa daya, hari sudah malam dan besok harus bangun pagi untuk sahur (^__^).

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