Toyohashi Gion Festival (Toyokawa Hanabi)

Yesterday, we, 20 or so lucky Gikadai international students and families are invited to watch a spectacular view along Toyokawa (or Toyogawa) river. Actually kawa or gawa means river. But It doesn’t matter. It was a fireworks festival (hanabi)!

We come in a group, led by a volunteer. I forgot his name (sorry). He patiently waits for us walks slowly along the city.

Walk to Hanabi

We arrive at the river banks. Surprisingly, thousands of people already park themselves, maybe since noon.


The show itself is breathtaking. The amount of fireworks, the colors, the sizes, are astounding. Everyone are always looking at the sky, waiting for the next beauty to appears. I just notice this yesterday, but the beauty of fireworks, not only in its color and shape, but also in the surprise. You never know what kinds of fireworks will be shown next. Not until they explode in glitter of lights.

Please enjoy the slide show.

Slideshow ini membutuhkan JavaScript.

Here is my favorite,

Toyokawa Hanabi

I also made a video.

If you come to Japan during summer (July or August) don’t forget to look for a Hanabi festival. You won’t regret it 😀 .

Apps That Can Make Your Life Easier if You’re a Gaijin

I’ve been living in Japan for few months now and frankly my Japanese skills doesn’t grow well. Most of the Japanese doesn’t understand English let alone Indonesian, so I’m the ones that should understand them. So far, I’ve been trying to memorize Hiragana and Katakana and few weeks ago I’ve successfully memorize all of the Hiraganas but right now I think I’ve forgotten most of them. Katanaka is much harder (I think) and understanding Kanji is just a dream for me.

If you’re that kind of Gaijin like myself, then fear not. Just go to Softbank and ask for an iPhone. For this procedure you should be accompanied by someone who understand Japanese. You should also already have an alien card from your city office. I’m not kidding, that beautifully sculpted black box with those enchanting retina display is your best friend in wilderness of Japan society. Help yourself to also grab a portable battery charger because you’ll eventually need it. Oh, and also a proper case enclosure in case you stumbled or dropped your precious gadget.

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To Mr. Federer

This is a comment written in Roger Federer’s official site after he lost against Novak Djokovic last night in Australia Open semifinal.

“Dear Mr Federer, something didn’t look right in that match and hopefully you can sort it out soon.
We just love watching you play, even if we cannot bear it when you lose.
Have a good break and see you soon.”

– by Ranjona – INDIA

I’m have the same feeling with Ranjona about the game last night, something didn’t look right in Federer. But whatever happen, he played well and I think he still the best tennis player in the world.

Drive C is Full

Yesterday, I found out that even though your drive C is full (read: zero byte of available space left), Windows 7 still can managed to run smoothly but not for watching Youtube.

After some clean up, I’ve managed to get few megabytes of space. It’s cramped, but this laptop still works, so I will stick with it for a while. 😀

Humble Sensei

This morning, when I rode my bike against the chilly wind to do my exercise, I stumbled upon an old person, eagerly bring a portable stair and start to cut the bushes in front of health centre. He cut it while smiling like it was the best job on earth. I said hi to him,”Ohayo gozaimasu…” while I rode past. He answered it with a happy tone and bright smile that made me also smile back to him.

After I finish my jogging, he came to the room and start to clean the glass window. I did not really pays much attention to him because I have to catch my breath. I sat down, and start to exercise again. He cleans the window close to me.

And then he asked me, at first in Japanese. I kept silent, try to decipher his words. Then I told him my favorite Japanese phrase,”Ahh, gomennasai, nihonggo wakaranai…”. Then in my surprised, he repeats his questions in fluent and elegant English,”Where are you come from?”. And then we talked about the time when he visited Indonesia and Bandung. Apparently, he is a senior professor researching in biomechanics and ergonomics. He then told me some of his research and what kind of benefits that people can take from his reasearch. He continued to clean the window. I ditch my exercise and start to help swept the floor.

It was just a simple conversation, and we don’t talked that much, but I respect him instantly. The thing that I admire the most from him is that, even though he is a senior professor, he still doing cleaning chores, and enjoys it wholeheartedly. I hope that I have a heart like him.

When I left with my bike, I saw him back in the health center, pouring water in the floor and start mopping. With a smile in his face.

Rumah di Gang Mesjid

Rumah itu terletak disebuah gang sempit yang hanya muat satu gerobak dorong. Satuannya gerobak dorong karena di dekatnya ada poll penjual buah, penjual bakso, dan penjual nasi goreng. Penjual buah akan mulai lewat berombongan sekitar jam enam hingga tujuh pagi. Penjual bakso agak siangan sekitar jam sepuluh. Lain lagi dengan penjual nasi goreng, mereka keluar berombongan pas adzan magrib berkumandang. Ada yang mampir dulu ke masjid, ada pula yang langsung mendorong gerobaknya ke arah simpang dago, tempat semua keramaian makanan berkumpul.

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Jajan dan Sangu

Sewaktu masih kecil, berapa uang jajan kalian?
Di jawa tengah, uang jajan disebut dengan sangu.

Semasa SD, uang jajanku adalah seratus rupiah setiap hari, dan tidak pernah berubah dari sejak kelas 1 SD hingga lulus. Uang recehan seratusan itu tersedia segepok di sebuah kantong bekas permen di lemari, dan setiap kita berangkat, kita mengambil satu keping seratus rupiah bergambar gunungan wayang. SD-nya tidak jauh, hanya 15 menit jalan kaki, sehingga tidak memerlukan uang transport. Terkadang, godaan untuk mengambil lebih banyak itu ada, dan terkadang pula godaan itu menang, tapi seringkali tidak, dan segepok uang itu akan tetap ada isinya hingga berbulan-bulan. Aku tak pernah menghitung berapa isi didalamnya.

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An Attemp to Write a Poem

Do you know the story of The Old Man and The Sea?

The young boy said:
I’m so young,
There are still so many roads to take a walk on
There are still so many dreams to live on

The old man said:
I’m so old,
Still wishing on my own dreams
I long for calm water and sunset in horizon

Do you know the story of The Old Man and The Sea?

That old man is brave enough for the sea
That old man is brave enough to catch that Merlin
But that old man did not brave enough
To ask the young boy to follow him to the sea
The boat is too fragile
It could be shattered by the raging waves in an instant
The thread of life is too thin
That old man knows
The young boy is just too young
To be swallowed by the sea

But still,
That old man saves one question
Do you want to come with me?
To the sea, he said.

Bekerja Dengan Mercurial

Tulisan ini adalah bagian ketiga dari seri tulisan saya tentang revision control. Tulisan pertama dapat dibaca disini, dan yang kedua disini.

Setelah kita membuat repository Mercurial di Bitbucket, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah meng-clone repository tersebut ke PC lokal kita (yang kita gunakan). Untuk itu diperlukan suatu software Mercurial client. Untuk sistem operasi Windows, client yang paling mudah digunakan adalah TortoiseHg. Berbeda dengan revision control client lainnya, TortoiseHg bekerja sebagai shell extension dari Windows Explorer. Oleh karenanya, setelah anda selesai meng-install client ini pada PC anda, akan ada menu tambahan ketika kita melakukan klik kanan di Windows Explorer seperti tampak pada gambar berikut,

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Membuat Repository Mercurial

Tulisan ini adalah lanjutan dari tulisan sebelumnya.

Setelah membaca tulisan saya yang sebelumnya, maka saya yakin anda mulai memantapkan iman untuk membuat sistem revision control milik anda sendiri yang tidak hanya berfungsi untuk menyelamatkan integitas source code anda namun juga (berpotensi) menjaga kewarasan mental anda pada saat sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan benar-benar terjadi. 😀

Walaupun Mercurial adalah distributed revision control, namun pada umumnya tetap memiliki satu server repository utama yang menjadi acuan bagi repository-repository turunannya (disebut dengan clone). Ada dua pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu membuat sendiri atau menggunakan server publik yang sudah tersedia. Membuat server sendiri tentulah kondisi yang paling ideal, namun kendalanya anda hanya dapat mengakses server itu pada jaringan lokal kecuali kita memiliki alamat IP static dan kualitas jaringan internet yang bagus. Selain itu diperlukan perangkat komputer yang stabil, suplai listrik yang cukup dan sistem backup data yang baik. Apabila anda seperti saya, yang lebih sering bekerja sendiri atau berada dalam tim kecil (kurang dari 5 orang), bekerja dari berbagai lokasi, dan project yang dikerjakan bukanlah suatu pekerjaan yang sangat besar, maka lebih baik kita menggunakan server publik.

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Revision Control

Sekali-sekali marilah menulis tentang pekerjaan, karena pekerjaan juga merupakan gudang ilmu dan cara terbaik untuk memahami suatu ilmu adalah dengan mengajarkannya ke orang lain.

Saya adalah seseorang yang bidang pekerjaannya berkutat dengan yang namanya source code (sebelumnya mohon maaf untuk bapak JS. Badudu, beberapa istilah kalau di terjemahkan malah terdengar asing, jadi saya memakai istilah aslinya, atau serapan bebas versi saya sendiri). Source code identik dengan software, namun saya bukanlah seorang software engineer tetapi hardware engineer…wannabe 😀 yang sama-sama berurusan dengan source code. Kalau anda pernah mendengar suatu bahasa pemrograman bernama VHDL atau Verilog maka itulah yang saya utak-atik hampir setiap hari.

Jadi apa kaitannya antara source code dengan revision control?

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Sajak Desember

Sapardi Djoko Damono -1961

Kutanggalkan mantel serta topiku yang tua
Ketika daun penanggalan gugur
Lewat tengah malam

Kemudian kuhitung
Hutang-hutangku pada-Mu

Mendadak terasa: betapa miskinnya diriku;
di luar hujan pun masih kudengar
dari celah-celah jendela

Ada yang terbaring di kursi… letih sekali

Masih patutkah kuhitung segala milikku
Selembar celana dan selembar baju
Ketika kusebut berulang nama-Mu;

taram temaram bayang, bianglala itu

Banyak hal telah terlewati dalam 26 tahun masa hidupku. Tapi aku tahu bahwa diriku masih sangat miskin di hadapan-Mu. Ya Rabb.